fredag den 22. maj 2009


So what does it really take to go around the World on bike? Except cool cash and being away from family and friends for a whole year.

After a recent biking trip across Spain I have been thinking about going around the world. My first obvious concern has been the financial one. I simply need sponsors. My approach has been to see if I can get 5000 people to join my "5000 members and Kasper bikes around the world on bike" group on Facebook. Hopefully this would show potential sponsors that there is a legitimate interest from many people.

If you want to join the group is called:

5.000 members and Kasper bikes around the World

(just click on the link. You must have a facebook account)

I am still thinking about how to approach the project besides Facebook. Can I come up with some great idea of how to do this, to secure financing or maybe just places to sleep on the trip.

Any comments or ideas on the matter are greatly appreciated.

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